Why is gender equality impossible??

Seminaret holdes på engelsk.


The Women's Health Committee (NOU) was appointed by the Government on 5 March 2021 (Norwegian Official Report, NOU, delivered on 2 March 2023). The focus is on women's health in Norway, an important issue because even though gender equality has improved, there is still a gender gap related to health.  

In a global perspective, there are large differences regarding what women in different parts of the world have access to in terms of health care. Disparities also apply between subgroups in the same country.

• What do we know about women and health and why aren't both sexes included when disease is studied on the international arena?
• Do we have differences in Norway, where women are among those who live the longest in the world, and where women still live on average a few years longer than their husbands?
• In our work to preserve maternity wards for Norwegian women, are we forgetting woman in countries who do not have the means to pay for health care and education for their children? 



Ann Ragnhild Broderstad, 
chief physician at the University hospital in Northern Norway (UNN),  researcher at UiT The Arctic University of Norway on Women’s health in Arctic indigenous communities.

Anne Cecile Tvedten,
anesthesiologist for Medecins Sans Frontieres «MCF» in Afghanistan will talk about Women’s health in Afghanistan today – experience from a women’s hospital. 

Hans Petter Fundingsrud,
paediatrician (UNN) and member of the NOU committee will talk about Women’s health in Norway, the main conclusions of the NOU.  

Kirsti Ytrehus, Soroptimists Tromsø


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