how does it affect the civilian population?

Seminaret holdes på engelsk. Informasjon på norsk under.

Sexual violence remains widespread and prevalent during armed conflicts and other situations of violence, as well as in detention despite being prohibited by international and national laws. It occurs in various contexts and has grave humanitarian consequences. Sexual violence is often utilized as a tactical or strategic means of overwhelming and weakening the adversary, whether directly or indirectly, by targeting the civilian population.

• How does the Red Cross and UN deal with conflict related sexual violence?
• What is the role of Gender in the conversation around sexual violence?
• How can ordinary people help raise awareness on sexual violence in conflict situations?---

Seksuell vold er utbredt både i væpnede konflikter, innad i fengselssystemet og i andre voldssituasjoner, til tross for at det er i strid med  både internasjonale og nasjonale lovverk. Det skjer i ulike sammenhenger og har alvorlige humanitære konsekvenser. Seksuell vold brukes ofte som et taktisk eller strategisk middel for å overvelde og svekke motstanderen, enten direkte eller indirekte, ved å ramme sivilbefolkningen.

- Hvordan håndterer Røde kors og FN konflikter relatert til seksuell vold? 
- Hvilken rolle spiller kjønn i samtalen rundt seksuell vold? 
- Hvordan kan vanlige folk bidra til å skape bevissthet rundt seksuell vold i konfliktsituasjoner? 

Tobias Köhler
- Legal senior advisor from the Norwegian Red Cross. He will focus his talk on International humanitarian law (IHL) and sexual violence.
Luce Ahouangnimon
- Senior Advisor in Detention and Mobilisation from the Association for the prevention of Torture. She will focus the talk on the UN mandate and her work related to conflict related sexual violence over modern history.

Moderator: Narmada Amarawansha, Academic Responsible for SAIH Tromsø.


Hovedbiblioteket, plan 2