Internasjonalt seminar:
American Military Presence in the High North
Seminaret holdes på engelsk.
The US has signed bilateral agreements with Finland, Sweden and Norway, giving US forces access to numerous facilities, designated areas, and bases in the High North. Many of these facilities are situated in Norway, like Evenes, Andøya, Setermoen and Bardufoss.
- What are the strategies behind the American military build-up in the Nordic countries?
- Do the Nordic countries and the US share the same security interests or can enhanced US military presence contribute to more tension and an increased nuclear threat?
- Are Norwegian local communities more exposed to great power rivalry from US and Russian forces, or will the civic society benefit from more security as Norwegian territory is used for allied deterrence against Russia?
Tormod Heier,
Professor, Norwegian Defence Command and Staff College.
Rasmus Bertelsen,
Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in Politics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Lassi Heininen,
Professor, Emeritus, Arctic Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security, University of Lapland, Finland.
Christine Smith-Simonsen,
Associate Professor of Global History and Peace studies.
Hovedbiblioteket, plan 2